Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Broke Up With My Bathroom Scale

I am thankful for my bathroom scale. It showed me a number I hadn't seen since I was pregnant, which kicked my butt into high gear. I have been working out since July. I haven't made major changes to my diet, but I am more mindful about what I put into my body and how much.

I was weighing myself a couple of times a week. After several encounters with the scale not displaying what I felt were reasonable digits, I got a little discouraged. Not long after that, though, I was able to get into my skinny jeans. Some size "L" yoga pants I'd gotten from a friend were no longer rolling down.

On a recent trip, I came out of the airport bathroom and proudly reported to my traveling companions that I was able to pull my skinny jeans down without even unbuttoning them! I was so excited!

I also noticed that my legs are prettier. There is an actual curve between my ankles and my calves. My thighs don't tend to chafe like they used to. My face looks narrower in photographs. I have 1 1/2 chins instead of 2! 

All this to say, sometimes we need to measure our success by a different yard stick. My bathroom scale is a big, fat, ugly liar. The skinny jeans don't lie, my friends! Keep on keepin' on.