Friday, August 31, 2012

My Team Beach Body Story, Part 1

About mid-2012, I stepped on my bathroom scale and was shocked by the digits glaring back at me. 2-0-0. That can't be right! I stepped off, then back on again. Same three numbers. One more time, I stepped off, removing all my clothes. 199.6. If you round that up, what do you get? The same, ugly 200!

I decided then and there it was time to shed the "baby weight." As in, the only other time I weighed that much was when I was pregnant, three and a half years earlier. The lowest I had gotten down to since having my daughter was my pre-pregnancy weight of 194. I started looking for fun ways to exercise. I found some great workouts online and took time out of my day to do them.

One of the workouts I had been looking at and thinking a lot about was the Team Beach Body workouts, such as Turbo Jam, Brazil Butt Lift, and Hip Hop Abs. I don't watch many commercials lately, thanks to our DVR, so Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs came to mind from a few years ago. They always looked so fun to me! Brazil Butt Lift was getting a lot of air time lately, so I had caught the commercial a couple of times.

I remembered that a long time acquaintance was a Team Beach Body Coach. I messaged her and she added me to her healthy lifestyle accountability group on FaceBook. She also told me it was free to sign up on the Team Beach Body website, so I did that too. I enjoyed reading others' success stories and dreamed about my own.

I joined a 90 day Turbo Fire challenge group. I found I couldn't always get through the entire workout. I needed breaks, sometimes long breaks to get through the whole thing. But, I was committed. I had decided that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I know it's a cliche now, but it's so true. I was tired of not having any energy at the end of my work day. Mind you, I sit at a desk all day! How tired could I possibly be?! You would be surprised!

There's more to the story, mainly because it's just getting started. Soon I will write it as if it's already happened. I say happened instead of finished, because the story of a healthy lifestyle should never really end, until the very end. What I mean is, I will write a post about how it feels to get to my goal weight and what my life looks like when I get there.

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