Friday, September 14, 2012

Team Beach Body: It's a Lifestyle, Not a Diet!

Why do so many diets fail? In my opinion, the word diet, in and of itself, reflects the wrong mindset for success. A diet is usually temporary. "Oh, I can't eat that because I'm on a diet." Oh really? Then what? When you reach your goal weight, then it's o.k.?

Instead of a diet attitude, let's focus on achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That includes eating healthier foods, in reasonable quantities. It entails going to bed earlier, and getting plenty of rest. We should also incorporate exercise and movement into our daily lives. Not just setting aside time to workout, but doing more active things, such as:
  • Not searching for the closest parking spot at the grocery store. Park further away and walk a little more. 
  • Take a walk after dinner, instead of vegging out on the couch.
  • Go roller skating for date night instead of dinner and a movie (buttered popcorn, etc.!)
  • Playing with the kids outside instead of plopping them in front of the TV.
  • Desk jockeys can get up and do 10 reps of jumping jacks, squats, or other activity every hour or so during the work day.
These are just a few suggestions. This is the mind shift I am working on personally to help me achieve my goals. I am not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, or personal trainer. I'm just a soon to be fit mommy and wife, sharing her thoughts and ideas!

Have a beautiful day!

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